Hi, it’s Dada and Dodo, authors of CuizineMaurice.com.
This new blog is dedicated to the Maurician Food, Foods to be more correct, since Mauritius has three different food type with different origins, tastes and recipes : The Creole Food,The Indian Food and the Chinese Food.
This blog is a restart of our french blog cuisinemaurice.over-blog.com, this time on our own server so we can enjoy total control over the blog plateform and try new things, like this new english translation of our posts to reach more mauritian food lover and curious.
We hope you can understand that we are going to work first on moving and updating all the old, french, blog post before starting our translation work.
If you want you can check the french version of the blog to watch our progress and if some recipe catch your interest don’t hesitate to post a comment here and we will translate it first.
See you soon with a lot of spicy and tasty recipes from the island that inspired paradise, if we believe the Mauricians.
Dada & Dodo
Merci pour ce bau site ,les recettes et les phots sont magnifiques.
Merci pour ce beau site ,les recettes et les photos sont magnifiques.
Cest super veux recette,jz ne sais pas tropcuire,maintenant je sais ou j’aurai les recettes pour pourvoir invité mes amies a deguster les bon repas.merci.