1 kg 500 mango half-mature (very hard)
1 kg of raw brown sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
2 red chilis (or more according to taste)
Peel and cut the mangoes into thick slices. Once the skin and the core are removed put the pieces of mango in a large pot. Cut the chilis into pieces and add to the pot. Pour the salt and sugar over the mango pieces.
Put the pot on medium heat. As soon as the sugar begins to melt, mix a little. Once the sugar begins to boil turn down the heat to low and simmer for 2h30. Stir occasionally.
After 2h30 the mangoes will have changed color. Take them out of the pot and put them on a plate. Reserve the syrup. Once the mangoes are cooled put them in an airtight box, sprinkle the syrup that you have reserved and close the box to keep your crystallized mangoes well preserve.
No water?
Yes no water the mango will release some juice while cooking